Die Musik-Flatrate! musicmonster: ديسمبر 2010

Make your own music collection

Music memorabilia were a little difficult to catch hold off in the earlier times. However, with the increasing demand and huge outburst in the number of music lovers; getting a music memorabilia is no more difficult. They are easily available through online auction websites as well as music e-stores.

Collecting music memorabilia:

Collecting music memorabilia is an art. Music memorabilia is indeed high in cost. Not all collectibles for a music memorabilia are expensive. Minor things like key rings, pictures, posters, and t-shirts can be bought for minimal rates. These items are classified more as merchandise than memorabilia. Nevertheless, they are good to start with.

You should look for a right timing to buy the same, meaning a time when stores are running sale and discount period. There are many items that can be collected for making your own music memorabilia.

How to make your own memorabilia?

Memorabilia is so important that it can't be measured by money. Even though, if you feel that you cannot afford to have an expensive music memorabilia, you can take the following measures to make your own easy music memorabilia:

Firstly, start by choosing the lyrics of the songs that impress you the most. Combine all the lyrics and songs along with the photographs of your favorite singers.

You can collage all these things together and frame it in a beautiful frame.

You can also add props and items that describe the lyrics of the song in the album. To exemplify, in a fighting song, you can add boxing gloves to make the memorabilia look more real. You can also add tickets of any live music concert that you or your friends have attended in the frame.

Lastly, the most happening thing that you can do for your memorabilia is to place a photograph having self signed autograph of your singer in that frame. However, it is not easy to get such an autographed photograph.

All the above tips are enough to help you make a cool and peppy memorabilia on your ownFeature Articles, at your home itself and without costing you a chunk.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Music IS The Ideal Solution To A Long Day

There is background and "mood" music in sitcoms and TV showsthat you watch everyday. We have all heard those catchycommercial jingles that stick with us throughout the day.These are just some examples of music.
Types of Music
There are so many types of music out there. You can buy CDs,listen to the radio and even listen to music or learn aboutmusic on TV. MTV, VH1 and various other television channelsare geared towards music. You can turn on your radio andpick up the waves of many local and some even distantstations that play different types of music. Music is reallyeverywhere and there is so much to choose from.
Some of the more common types of music are country, R&B, hiphop, rock, classical and pop or dance. Many other categorieshave came from these basic genres. There are also manydifferent categories according to decade. For example, youcan get hits of the 70s, 80s, 90s and today. These will playyou all the hits and chart toppers from that era.
Digital Music
Just like many other things in life today, music has wentdigital and there are many more opportunities now for you toenjoy it. You can download music online and store it on yourcomputer. You can also listen to music online. There aremany websites that let you listen to music and there areliterally thousands of stations so you can listen to anytype of music you like. Many of these let you customize themso you only listen to what you like and nothing that youdon't.
Another breakthrough in the digital music scene was the MP3file. MP3s are just a way to compress a music file sincemusic files are fairly large. The MP3 can be downloaded toyour computer, stored in folders and also transferred to MP3players. There are portable MP3 players that are basicallymodern day Walkmans but instead of radio, or CDsFeature Articles, you havedigital files.
The amount of files you will be able to store will vary butyou can store many more than you could on a CD because theyare compressed. They are stored inside your machine indigital format so you don't have to worry about skipping orlosing your station.
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Music: From Grunts to Guitars

Where did music begin, and where is it going? The answers are surprising. There is a modern movement leading humanity back to the music it first created tens of thousands of years ago. A conflicting movement is creating ever more complex sounds, and creating a world of smaller audiences for more musicians.
Before humanity could write, and even before they could speak, rhythm and single tones were used to communicate. The song of a bird may have inspired a prehistoric man to mimic and improve on the noise. Evidence of prehistoric music is sparse, since there was no language to describe the sound to descendants. Drumming objects and mimicking are considered to be the first "music". This continued with words being added as speech was discovered.
After the development of writing, music became more refined. Crafted instruments were added. Harmonies were created. Pipes, flutes, basic stringed instruments, and similar tools were used to create the first sounds that modern man could easily recognize as music. The oldest known song is over 4000 years old, written in cuneiform, and uses the diatonic scale. This period is referred to as "ancient" music.
Further developments created more regional sound, as different technology discoveries in different areas led to unique instruments. While "classical music" is generally assumed to be the sounds of composers like Bach or Beethoven, it actually refers to any music of this period. The music was usually religiously inspired or supported, and usually taught formally as a skill rather than developed through experimentation. As musical notation unified regionally, the composed masterworks of the area were generally performed according to the rigid written work.
Folk music continued soon after. This was generally the sound of the unlearned classes, those that could not write or read. Learned orally, this music was learned and modified time and time again to reflect the personal artistry of the performer. This type of music often portrayed the concerns of the illiterate class. It was usually not supported, but tolerated, but the government and religious leadership. The tradition of folk music still continues as a genre of music to this day throughout the world.
Classical music developed into a less rigid modern style of music, mixing with the concept of personal artistry from folk music. Performers would still use either written or learned pieces, but would add their personal touch. The music would sound different each time it was played, even when played by the same performer.
The invention of recorded music and radio began the slide backwards. Recorded music is very rigid. It never changes. Audiences began to expect live performances to be as close to the recorded music they have been listening to as possible. Sheet music allowed amatures to closely mimic the original performer. To appeal to a larger audience, music started to become less an expression of what the artist wanted to say, and more what the audience would pay to hear.
This trend continues today in the form of ever simplifying music. Music has to be quick and easy to identify. Complexity would lead to missed sales. Many modern styles forgo either the lyrics or the melody completely. Recycling previous music in the form of sampling gives an artist an instant audience, while limiting the artistry possible.
Fortunately, the Internet allows for any artists from any styles to combat the decline in music artistry. The low cost of entry makes it possible for almost anyone to gain an audience. The low cost also allows artists to perform what they wish, rather than pander to a larger audience. Hopefully, this will allow the trends in popular music to reverseFind Article, creating ever more artistic and unique music in the future.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Die Musik-Flatrate!